Mollie’s metaphor ➡️ with professor Lupin, learning how to cast a patronus to protect himself from the dementors (scary hooded cloaked skeletal beings that suck all the happiness from the world and cause you to feel miserable)
In order to cast a patronus lupin tells Harry to think of a happiest memory Harry can possibly remember when Harry understands and finally does this and he is filled with so much joy that he produces his patronus and it shoots out the end of his wand, which also spirals even more happiness as he is proud and filled with excitement.
This is a perfect metaphor for us “in a non magical world 🤣 LOL” to use. Let’s say dementors = depression and a patronus = happiness , when we’re depressed were in a very low vibration, which unfortunately can have a ripple effect and the thoughts we put out spiral out of control allowing us to only see negative events that then follow.
Finding our patronus is doing things that make us happy, when we’re happy we’re in such a high vibration not much can bring our mood down. When we’re in this state of joy a snowball of positive opportunity flood into our path. To stay in a high vibration of happiness and excitement, keep doing the things you love and feel grateful for all the happiness they bring!
Mollie Alice Christina